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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Love is the new black

Above all 
W E A R  L O V E-
its more durable than denim,
more cosy than track pants,
more appealing than tuxedos,
more revealing than Speedos,
more protective than a suit of armour,
and more classy than a suit of Armani.

W E A R  L O V E-
its brand-less, its priceless!
Fits all sizes, suits all classes,
flatters any figure, matches any moment.

W E A R  L O V E-
the couture of all virtues,
the high fashion of the highly faithful:
more beautifying than Cartier,
more fragrant than Chanel,
and more the thing than any bling.

W E A R  L O V E-
its more fundamental than footwear,
more clarifying than eyewear,
and more undergirding than underwear.

DON'T wear jealousy and envy-
they're out of fashion man.
DON'T wear legalism and judgement-
they're so last testament.
DON'T wear vengeance & fear-
they were hung out to dry in 33AD

W E A R  L O V E-
wear it tight,
wear it erery day and every night.
Wear it. Share it.
Its more becoming than the latest hairdo,
more bedazzling than a sequined tutu.

W E A R  L O V E-
like Inuits wear gloves,
like the Peace Corps wear logos of doves-
everywhere, everyday, all the way,
what more can i say
than W E A R  L O V E-
I promise you
it'll look good on you, it always does

Poem by Cameron Semmens

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

saying no

S A Y I N G  N O..

Education is important when it comes to most things and this doesn't exclude fashion. With world wide information so readily available we know longer have reason to be I G N O R A N T. Lately I have been researching the consequences our fashion choices have on animals, the environment & other people and to be honest it makes me sick to my stomach. At the start of the year FOS fashion pledged to educate ourselves in this area and share with you, bits and pieces that we were moved by or found helpful in our goal to be come consumers with a concience. We apologise for not being very dedicated to this but will endeavour to do at least one post a week covering this area! these posts will hopefully cover a range of  fabulous companies/people/places committed to ethical consumerism & smart choices aswell as some general info.
Today we have listed below a sample of many great products that you can purchase guilt free as they have been ethically produced and sold by companies that care!




Oxfords: $36 (sale)

Two-toned velvet pumps:$110


Libby Short Boot:$60 (sale)


Tilly fringe cross bag:$150




Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The in-between


Our new range dear friends,
Dedicated to that moment of in between, that period if indecisiveness, the tension between the glorious  
warmth of summer and the snug cosiness of winter.
Here's to celebrating the peace maker, the mediator, the humble fence sitter.
Autumn we toast to you and your willingness to compromise.
May we all follow in your footsteps
Now dig in!!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fly away


Well as summer starts to cool around the edges & the days get shorter, we begin to squirm with anticipation for the fun to come... crunchy leaves, blushing skies, & fiery trees- not to mention our favourite indulgence
Ahh old friend A U T U M N its been too long....
What better way to celebrate the new season than share with you all this seasons LOOK BOOK.. A tasty selection of items to be released  over the coming months! Part one will be available in store the evening of the 14th from 7.30pm we truly hope you enjoy!

Just because the weathers getting cooler is no reason to hide away in your drab & drearies- celebrate with colour! We personally are obsessed with midnight blue & turquoise @ the moment so lap it up in our coming collections!  
We cant wait for the fabulous & funky fashion the cooler weather brings , It always seems to have that extra something special about it -  oh for the love of bell bottom pants once again...Heck yes!!

Ella & Jo

Saturday, February 5, 2011


"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but  
A N Y O N E  can start today and make a new ending"..
Maria Robinson

Thursday, February 3, 2011

 Green. Love. Grows...

As the year 2011 stretches big & bright before us, the FOS team has decided we need to
R E F O C U S our thoughts, time & energy on what we originally set out to do...
"To be a strong advocate for a brighter, fairer, sustainable future".
Not only do we want to provide you with the opportunity to buy ethically within our store, we have bigger dreams and goals!. We want to inspire ourselves and you- our friends and supporters- to take these values into all areas of our 'consumer life'.

While the FOS store will provide you with what we see as the ethical alternative to 'fast fashion',
We aim to walk with you in our quest for simple living, avoiding over consumption and reducing our global footprint. Furnishing our minds with a sustainable vision centered on improving the lives of others as well as ourselves.
We don't believe that by making these choices we are sacrificing beauty and quality, on the contrary we are finding that products produced with ethics and the environment in mind, often out perform in both beauty and function those that are a sustainability nightmare .

We hope that over time, by purchasing from our store and the many others out there with the same intentions, we can strengthen our consumer concience & resolve.
We hope to look back 10 years from now and be overwhelmed and excited by what we have achieved!