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Saturday, February 5, 2011


"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but  
A N Y O N E  can start today and make a new ending"..
Maria Robinson

Thursday, February 3, 2011

 Green. Love. Grows...

As the year 2011 stretches big & bright before us, the FOS team has decided we need to
R E F O C U S our thoughts, time & energy on what we originally set out to do...
"To be a strong advocate for a brighter, fairer, sustainable future".
Not only do we want to provide you with the opportunity to buy ethically within our store, we have bigger dreams and goals!. We want to inspire ourselves and you- our friends and supporters- to take these values into all areas of our 'consumer life'.

While the FOS store will provide you with what we see as the ethical alternative to 'fast fashion',
We aim to walk with you in our quest for simple living, avoiding over consumption and reducing our global footprint. Furnishing our minds with a sustainable vision centered on improving the lives of others as well as ourselves.
We don't believe that by making these choices we are sacrificing beauty and quality, on the contrary we are finding that products produced with ethics and the environment in mind, often out perform in both beauty and function those that are a sustainability nightmare .

We hope that over time, by purchasing from our store and the many others out there with the same intentions, we can strengthen our consumer concience & resolve.
We hope to look back 10 years from now and be overwhelmed and excited by what we have achieved!